
Esential Oils Books  


Living Stones Natural Health Institute

Do no harm and revere the healing power of nature


     My Name is Corinna Snelling I am a wife and mother of three children. I am a licensed massage therapist and I am also a Natural Health Practitioner certified through the Global College of Natural Medicine and a certified personal trainer through the International Sports Association. I am currently working as an independent contractor with Dr. Ryan McDonald in Ladysmith. I am founding Living Stones Natural Health Institute. Living Stones Natural Health Institute is an educational ministry founded with the purpose of bringing a clear historical and cultural understanding of God’s word to the Christian Community as it relates to their physical mental and spiritual well being. Living Stones comes from 1 Peter 2:5. Living Stones Natural Health Institute’s purpose is to become an educational institute focused on understanding the human body; through the belief that human begins are both Physical and Spiritual beings and therefore healing can only come by bringing the physical and spiritual into a state of homeostasis. It is my deepest desire to use my knowledge of massage and natural health to help facilitate homeostasis with in my family, my surrounding community and eventually the entire east coast.